09 Aug Food & Drink Infographics Guide

Belinda Ivey’s Natural Hues infographic (created while at the South Florida Sun Sentinel) is featured in Food & Drink Infographics: A Visual Guide to Culinary Pleasures by Simone Klabin. The book is a visual guide to eating, drinking and cooking. We just received our copy and it looks great. The infographic is on page 93.

Note: The infographic won the Award of Excellence for information graphics from the Society for News Design in 2006.
Clarification: The credit in the book states that David Schutz was a part of the design. This is incorrect. He was not at the Sun Sentinel at the time. The infographic was reported, written, illustrated and designed by Belinda (Long) Ivey. R. Scott Horner was the editor of that page.
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